Yogini of the month: Lucy Davidson
Lucy has attended over 115 classes since we met. She joined in online during lockdown and has recently returned to classes in person.
Lucy works in a busy and demanding marketing role during the week and on a weekend enjoys long walks and has recently taken up surfing (which she said Yoga came in very handy for!).
When she joined my classes back in February 2019, she explained she had been suffering with lower back pain and that her flexibility was something she wanted to work on and through determination and patience we have managed to find length in her forward folds, perfect her balance and most importantly give her the headspace she needs to keep on top of life.
On one of the last sunny evenings we went to the park for a 1-2-1 lesson and we got up into headstand (a reminder to us both, lets not try that going up a hill next time!). I felt very happy and grateful for our professional relationship but the friendship we have also found.
I am excited to see how your practice develops and thank you always for your continued support and kindness.
Namaste and congratulations Yogini of the month.